Fishing Buddies

2 men and 2 boys having a picnic. Big Buddy

Big Buddies Carl and Raj teamed up and took their Little Buddies Tāne and Martyn out together on a fishing trip. And  although they didn’t catch any dinner, they did find deeper, long lasting benefits.

The four met at the annual Big Buddy Big Day Out at Long Bay over the summer, and everyone got on so well that Carl and Raj decided it would be fun to get together again.

The first trip was cockle picking in April at Shakespeare Regional Park. “We went out with buckets and collected cockles at low tide. It was a ton of fun. After we had a picnic together and the boys ran around and played with each other – it was great to see their friendship grow,” says Raj.

A few weeks later the four tried fishing off Okahu Wharf. The fish weren’t biting and the weather was rather wet but everyone still enjoyed their day together.

“Unfortunately Martyn and Tāne didn’t catch anything sadly and I have to say that Martyn wasn’t too happy about that,” laughs Raj.

While the boys were keeping each other company Carl and Raj were able to catch up.

“We were able to have a good chat about the challenges and rewards of doing this kind of mahi,” Raj says.

“Carl and I discussed our experiences of being Big Buddies and how we support our Little Buddies and how we approach issues that may arise,” he says.

“Young boys challenges change from week to week. And as Big Buddies were are there to support them and simple be there for them. Weare constantly learning what giving support to a young boy looks like. It’s not like we have all the answers all the time!”

Carl and Raj agree  that the time Big and Little Buddies spend together is special. It’s simple being there that makes the difference. Turning up regularly and showing they care. And spending time together as a group also provides the opportunity for them all to learn more about their Big Buddy journey.

There are sure to be more adventures planned for these new great friends

Right now there are around 8,000 boys in New Zealand without fathers in their lives. These boys are navigating the challenges of life without the steady hand of a father to guide them. 

With your help, Big Buddy can continue to match young boys with good men to offer friendship, support and a good male role model to look up to. 

With 130 young boys currently on our waitlist, your support today is needed more than ever. 

Your donation will help build confidence and resilience in the lives of boys whose fathers are not around.  


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